Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Our Bright Sun In The Middle Age

  Such day (of Varying Fortunes) We give to men and men by turns, That may Know those that believe (Qs Ali-'Imran Chapter 3 Verse 140)

This short Sentence in Qur'an give a light in my mind that Why muslim socity position now look so bad. Many of Muslim country today have bad economic, so low in developing civilization and so far in Knowledge especially about Science and technology. They world look like  under control of Western world. They position so low from Europe or America what we called western Society. Many Muslim Country have problem with poorness, dinginess and inanity. It’s normally if many european or western people proud about The way of their life and maybe they look despise for African, Asian or people in Middle East which have big Muslim population. This fact should give question for a Muslim,, If Islam is true way, if this religion really true. Why Western civilization look better by keep the way of their religion or by being Atheist??? Why we have social life like this?? most of muslim people  are poor, many muslims blind and idiot in Technology and Science. I wanna write about this in my blog, hope give us answer to make us more understand and make all my Brother and Sister as muslim more belive with this way, religion of God in Heaven, the only one God, Which sent the first prophet Adam Peace Be Upon him and Sent the last prophet Muhammad Pbu.  Hope Allah Always guid us in true way :) Aamiin