Monday, February 21, 2022

Pencari Kayu di Tengah Hutan


    Alkisah seorang guru ingin menguji muridnya dan memerintahkannya untuk mencari sebuah kayu ditengah hutan. Guru memerintahkan muridnya untuk mencari kayu dengan syarat membawa hanya satu saja kayu terbaik yang ia temukan sepanjang perjalanan menyusuri hutan dan tidak boleh kembali untuk mengambil kayu sebelumnya. Muridpun segera berangkat setelah menerima perintah dari sang guru tersebut. Ketika baru memasuki hutan, ia langsung menemukan sebuah kayu yang cukup terang warnanya, berukuran sedang dan kokoh. Ia pun membawa kayu tersebut dan merasa telah menemukan kayu terbaik untuk diserahkan kepada gurunya. Setelah berjalan beberapa puluh meter, ternyata ia menemukan kayu yang lebih baik, yang lebih terang kecoklatan, lebih kokoh, ukurannya sangat pas utuk dibawa kepada gurunya. Sehingga ia membuang kayu sebelumnya dan membawa kayu yang baru ia temukan tersebut.

    Sang murid menikmati perjalanan menyusuri hutan yang hijau nan sejuk udaranya di lengkapi dengan kicauan burung yang merdu bersautan. Setelah berjalan beberapa kilo meter, ternyata ia menemukan kayu yang lebih bagus lagi, yang Mengkilat warnanya, yang kuat teksturnya, berukuran sedang namun sedikit benkok. Iapun memutuskan untuk mengambil kayu yang barusan ia temui saja dan meninggalkan kayu sebelumnya. Hal ini pun terjadi berulang-ulang sepanjang perjalanan menyusuri hutan dimana ia menemukan kayu yang lebih lurus namun berukran terlalu besar, yang berukuran pas namun tidak mengkilat dan seterusnya. Hingga sang muridpun hampir sampai dipenghujung hutan namun kayu yaang ia pegang ternyata hanyalah kayu yang kusam, berukuran kecil dan bentuknya tiduk lurus, serta sangat rapuh. Muncul perasaan dalam dirinya ingin kembali kehutan dan mengambil kayu sebelumnya yang lebih baik dari kayu yang ada ditrangannya. Akan tetapi seperti yang dikatakan gurunya bahwa ia tidak boleh kembali untuk mengambil kayu sebelumnya. Ia pun sangat menyesal dan terpaksa menunjukkan kayu yang kecil,  bengkok, kusam dan rapuh tersebut kepada gurunya.

    Gurupun menjelaskan kepada muridnya bahwa itulah sifat manusia. Ia sangat jarang sekali bersyukur atas apa yang sudah ia memiliki, hingga manusia tidak pernah puas dan ingin mencari yang lebih baik dan lebih baik lagi. Namun pada akhirnya yang ia dapat bukanlah yang lebih baik, namun sebuah penyesalan karna tidak pernah bersyukur akan sesuatu yang sudah ia miliki sebelumnya. Begitu juga halnya dalam mencari pasangan hidup, dimana kebanyakan manusia tidak pernah bersyukur atas apa yang sudah datang hari ini, hingga ia ingin mencari yang lebih baik lagi dan lebih baik lagi dengan meninggalkan yang sudah datang saat ini, tanpa disadari umurpun semakin menua dan akhirnya tinggal penyesalan karna tidak sesegera mungkin melaksanakan salah satu perintah untuk beribadah saat sudah memiliki kesiapan . 

Saturday, May 2, 2020

We are Designer of Our Life

i didn't write at all for long time, because of activity in work and all stuff made me forgot to do  one of my fovorite activity, that is writing. Life is so exhausting sometime, we can’t predict life what will happen in future, sometimes it stimulate your adrenaline when you are so exited and guessing what will happen next in the future. Sometimes life feel like passing so fast and sometime it is so slow. Sometimes it’s bright day, full of joy and happines and sometimes it is a sadness day, full of anxeity and stressfull. Now life really give a lesson to me, the moment after i got my Magister degree sertificat and work in a  goverment company as general contractor turn me to my situation today. Today i’m a jobleess man, turn back to my hometown with no Job. A Magister graduated as unemploye. Life never the same, sometimes we are in up and sometimes in the bottom, life changging like a cyrcle. Maybe we just really need it like when we pedaling our bycycle, our feet need to be in down and up so that bycycle can move. The same way as life tha should be up and down to be move on.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018


Consistency, discipline, integrity are the most hard thing to do. We always think what we should to do in Life, but we didn’t do what we thought... I hope idea not only becomes Idea.. Like a wise man said, an idea that is developed and put into action is more important than a lot of idea which exists only as idea, because idea is useless without action. Percentege betwee Idea and Action is 1%:99%. At this time i want to talk about how my perspective about the way i see my world, about society around, about what going on in life today Guys... not as judgment but as someone to take the lesson from what really happen around, not only angry and complaining, so that we can live the life with free mind and start thinking about something really close from us and take the lesson from it. Like a hadith said that charity from thinking about nature sign is thousand bigger than sunnah prayer we did. I still dont know yet that hadits shahih (otentic and can be trust) or dhaif (still doubt about the Authentication). But remember that Al-Qur'an say in many place to ask human kind to think and get the sign and the lesson from everything happened. Let's start thinking Guys........ 

Friday, February 24, 2017

Talking About Love

“Oh Dear Love,,, I remember the day
when you said GOODBYE to me…
You Left me with a permanent memory..
Not a single day Goes that I forget about You Love…
I can’t erase you from my mind, because it’s permanent memory..
I hope one day You Know,,That You finally See How I feel…
I Never Regret That I known You,
Because you give me Spirit, burn me Every single day”

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Story of Rantau Man

Wind from a Fan made temperature around giving soothe to my body. Voice of frogs like music instrument that make me feeling really peace. This laptop has staying on around 18 hours. I put my Book Everywhere in my room, it looks untidy and show that i study much. So long time i siting here to write what i thinking about. In this small room, I live so far from My Hometown. Like many other students, they Left their Hometown, far away from their parent, far from their family. They left their sweet home only for one reason. for  Education. First i wanna explain what does words Rantau mean?  Word Rantau become famous because culture from people of Minang (an Ethnic group in Indonesia) that when the young people of Minang people grow and become Adult, they should left their Hometown to another place, many of them will back to their hometown after become success Man depend on their perspective. So the word Merantau spread in Indonesia.  Every Indonesian who left their Hometown called Merantau and I call them "Rantau Man" in this post :D

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Looking For The Lost Dream

Hii Guys, I think it long time that I never make new Post. I wanna start post something different for now.  I have made many posts and most of it is about Religion. It sometimes made me afraid that how if i was wrote wrong information. It's mean i was made a lie, a lie make me get a sin and that lie made me put into Hell. So i will write something more light, more easy to read but still in have connection in idea of my blog that "We try to find the meaning of our life". Everyone need to tell someone about their problem, tell what happening in our life or tell about our secret, about our story to someone who we trust. Since i got my own Laptop in high School i was started to write about my daily life in my laptop. I’m not kind of people who have a best friend or really open to my parents that I can tell everything to them. I'm not kind of that Man, unfortunately. I didn't tell my problem to my parent. I just like to write it in  Ms.word or in my Notes. I think this is the reason why i like write in blog.  One day, when i have old. I can read this note to Nostalgia Or When i was pass from this world people who known me like my child or my grandchild can read this and remember me. heheh :D Let's Play....

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Has The Qur'an Changed???

May peace and mercy of Almighty God be upon U my Brother and Sister. Like U see the title of this post, I will write about Qur’an And Explain that Qur’an Changed or still preserve. I know, This is not my Capacity to explain it because I’m not Good Muslim, I’m a person that Still like follows my Desire.  Follow my appetite to catch Worldly life first than Hereafter. I act like Worldly life more Important than Hereafter. I hope I can fight my Desire and make my Self be better Muslim every day. So Let me  to share what  I read and thought few weeks ago and make note here Guys :D