Wednesday, June 10, 2015


Hii Guys, Praise To God, Paraise To the Almighty God, The only one God that He still give us age, give us health, give us chance to study, give us food to eat and give me chance to write again in My Blog :D I really happy that I can put what in my mind to this blog. I hope my mind not only be a Mind, But still here In My Blog :D I got Idea to start write this post When a sister from France asked me About Islam. She was read my post “MARRY ONLY ONE” and She asked me, Why a Muslim Boy can marry until 4 Women. His friend's father have wife more than one. She trying to compare which better, Her Mother religion or her father. I respect her, because she searches her religion. Not be follower a religion cuz parent or place.  I hope Allah the only one God Guide you sis to Look the Truth and get faith. You find a Religion who give you true peace in your Life. I hope all reader to choose your religion too. Find the truth and proof in your religion, not only Believe, but you have proof and faith. Read my post Before Guys “DID YOU CHOOSE YOUR RELIGION???”