Wednesday, November 7, 2018


Consistency, discipline, integrity are the most hard thing to do. We always think what we should to do in Life, but we didn’t do what we thought... I hope idea not only becomes Idea.. Like a wise man said, an idea that is developed and put into action is more important than a lot of idea which exists only as idea, because idea is useless without action. Percentege betwee Idea and Action is 1%:99%. At this time i want to talk about how my perspective about the way i see my world, about society around, about what going on in life today Guys... not as judgment but as someone to take the lesson from what really happen around, not only angry and complaining, so that we can live the life with free mind and start thinking about something really close from us and take the lesson from it. Like a hadith said that charity from thinking about nature sign is thousand bigger than sunnah prayer we did. I still dont know yet that hadits shahih (otentic and can be trust) or dhaif (still doubt about the Authentication). But remember that Al-Qur'an say in many place to ask human kind to think and get the sign and the lesson from everything happened. Let's start thinking Guys........